Attacking a matchup zone defense pdf

Aug 29, 2012 29 aug 2012 matthewmckay team defense, zone defense. Our 12 points of an effective matchup zone defense 1. The guards, x1 and x2, cover everything above the free throw line. Ive been using the 122 match defense for that last 7 years. The s is always between the ball and thc basket abnc dotted line around the. The offense might even become complacent in attacking your defense. The combination man to man zone defense in basketball.

An extensive look at rick pitinos defensive system card. Beating the zone 75 set plays to score against zone defense. One advantage of a match up zone defence is that it may confuse opponents. Teams, for example, almost always attack a 23 zone with either a 1 or a 122 offensive attack. Here are some basic thoughts on attacking a zone defense. As soon as the offense recognizes the defense, it is important to attack it as the tgame is best suited to. Start in a 122 alignment with post players on the blocks and guards on the wings. Jim boeheim syracuse 23 matchup zone mens basketball hoopscoop. Against zone defense, in this case 23 defense, you really can use ball screens to free up open perimeter shots. But this article is mostly intended for aspiring coaches and. Basketball offense dribbledrive zone offense, coachs. It includes 23 zone plays, 32 zone plays, 1 zone plays, baseline out of bounds plays, and multipurpose zone plays.

In this video, eric flannery demystified every rotation and concept to equip you with the basics of a matchup zone defense. These notes on matchup zone defense are from scott petermans ultimate matchup zone ebook. The third thing that matchup zones will struggle with is helpside rebounding. Using seven offensive players 5 perimeter, high and low posts will show all the. Pete gillen on attacking matchup zones the coaching toolbox. You must use both man to man and zone defensive principles. This zone is similar to the 23 zone that jim boeheim uses at syracuse. Winning with the 122 matchup zone defense basketball. Our advice would be to focus on man to man defense. I think that you will love the cutters offense versus matchup zone defense. In our opinion, the 3 2 zone defense is the hardest basketball zone defense to attack.

Most coaches attack a 1 zone with a with a 212 offense or 122offense. A veteran coach likely will not learn anything new from reading this, although perhaps reading a slightly different perspective could be somewhat helpful. Attacking matchup zones is as challenging an assignment as there is in coaching. Cutting hubie brown used to say, leave an area and replace, meaning cut. Take your zone defense to the next level by incorporating the strategies. Gregg marshall used this defense to get wichita state to the final four and almost to the national championship game. What is the definition of matchup zone defense in basketball. The post players, x3, x4, and x5 cover everything below the free throw line and are. Matchup zone offense learn the cutters offense that. Jump to the ball a fundamental of any defense, coach boeheim cites this as even more necessary in a zone. Baylor bears 1 zone defense coachbase basketball drills. As with any defense, you must adjust to what the offense is presenting.

If the basketball is caught in the short corner, the offensive player has many options to attack the zone 1. Bumping players off, which is the core of the defense. He talks about why you show run this matchup zone defense and its advantages. This defense protects the interior versus strong post players and ensures good corner coverage. A matchup defense essentially eliminates the opponents arsenal of set plays or cutters by switching all player movements. Each zone defense has its own unique characteristics. Defenders are constantly looking for deflections and being really active both with their hands and with their movement. Second, match the offensive alignment by rotating clockwise.

Player 5 comes up to the high post to receive the pass from 1. In a man or zone defence, when the ball is on the wing there should be defenders at the ballside block and elbow early fill. The point zone defense can be used against both oneguard and twoguard zone. They will vary according to a teams player personnel and shifting abilities. Diagram b shows the offense starting against the 23 zone defense. Their guards harass opposing ball handlers, their wings are are lengthy and quick to trap, and their. The offense has a great position advantage against the defense. James gels, from the coachs clipboard basketball playbook. How to teach a 23 match up zone defense in basketball duration. Gregg marshall wichita state pressure matchup zone defense. Attacking 23 zone defense executing ball screen zone plays.

Most of this article discusses attacking the 23 zone as this is most common zone defense that you will encounter. Teaching, implementing a matchup zone defense winning hoops. Understand the common mistakes made against zone defenses, understand the donts in attacking zone defenses. I think that there are times when this defense would work well. The bigs start in the short corners attack from behind, the point guard is stationary, 5 follows the ball. Denial emporia states point zone by matt corkery womens associate head basketball coach, emporia state university the point zone is an effective halfcourt defense that is relatively simple to teach while offering the benefits of more complicated matchup zone defenses. The point zone defense has many advantages that should be considered by coaches who wish the utilize this defense for their teams. Smash down is the counter to smash and looks to take advantage of the middle defender of the zone staying low and anticipating getting sealed. In a match up zone, offensive alignments never split defenders, overloads are easier to defend, and opponents have a tendency to get confused.

Mar 30, 2016 no one in college basketball does the 23 matchup zone defense better than syracuse university head coach, jim boeheim. Fusion is the perfect mixture between zone and man. The point zone defense has the advantages of getting pressure on the ball while still protecting the paint, and it is confusing for the opponent. Ncaa, zone defense i recently watched jerry tarkanians dvd on the amoeba defense as a coach friend of mine is thinking of putting it in this year for his jv team. When used properly, the screen can still be effective against a zone defense. Pitt sets i know one coach that didnt tell his team it was a matchup until after theyd won the game. Man sets vs matchup great example of man to man sets that work vs zone.

On the pass to 2, 5 gets in the post, 4 replaces on the baseline hes a scoring threat behind the zone. Pass to the offensive player at the freethrow line who will be open diving to the basket. The 212 zone defense is popular in basketball, particularly in youth basketball. The purpose of a matchup is to get you confused, indecisive, and out of sync. All the defense is on one side of the floor once the ball is below the free throw line. Perhaps, the innovator of matching up out of a zone defense was john egli, former. In playing the passing lanes, it spreads the offense and forces the. If the offense alters to a 212 look, make the adjustment that makes sense for the offenses alignment. Transition offense the best zone offense is to race the ball down the court and attack the zone before it gets a chance to set up. Most recently, in the last 23 years, pitino has developed a matchup zone defense in the halfcourt that many of you are familiar with. Origins of sullivans match up zone the genesis for sullivans matchup zone lies in the jump shot and genes belief that its development and eventual widespread use fundamentally changed the nature of basketball. Jan 16, 2006 there are several versions of the matchup defense, but most of them have the same basic rules and strategies.

When you face zone defenses, keep coach knights advice in mind perimeter scorers in the high post and short corner present matchup problems for many post defenders. Mercer vs matchup zone rory hamilton 03262018 mercer is a set to run vs a matchup zone. The 32 instead focuses on allowing for quick closeouts to perimeter players and limiting dribble penetration from the outside. It may be easier to visualize the set as a 122 or a 1 for mental purposes. Either way they are difficult for coaches to play against and confusing for players who have to execute against. It looks like a 23 zone defense initially, and at other times has the appearance of a 1 zone. Coaches, i have another new ebook to release to you tonight. I have watched more than 100 hours of footage on the temple matchup zone defense. Player 4 comes up to stop the outside shot and dribble. It doesnt matter if youre searching for a different look to your defensive viewpointstrategy or just something that will perplex your best opponents, this zone defense has it all.

This article discusses and diagrams basketballs matchup zone defenses. The basic set of this defense will mirror the offensive set of the opponent. We like to use the 3 2 matchup zone defense if we are ahead by more than twenty, in foul trouble, or playing against a very weak outside shooting team. Pass to a perimeter player since the defense will collapse. The 212 matchup zone faces a 3out, 2in offensive set. Your team, by virtue of how they have played the 221 pressure, may have created a false sense of security on the part of the offense. The 23 is looking to protect the interior, force teams into outside shots, and limit post effectiveness. Player 4 cuts into the lane to receive the pass from 5 for a shot. Although their zone alignments may start out the same, no two zones are the same. The main reason for this is that the 32 zone hard denies the wings from the top of the key and forces the opposition to initiate offense with a skip pass to the corner or to play through the midrange. While most zones matchup to the ball, in the 1 zone, defenders play off and overplay the passing lanes. Coach boeheim explains the two rules that have led his team to the final.

Mar 25, 2011 match up is a zone with man to man principles. These basketball notes describe the pressure matchup zone defense. I had always believed that against a twoguard zone front, you run a zone offense with a oneguard front, like the 1. Zone 2 runner offense like the 32 zone attack, we attack this zone from the corner, as this puts pressure on the low defenders. Two defensive men must constantly defend three offensive men. If you would like to read a detailed explanation of why we advise youth coaches to avoid zone defenses, click here. Backside pin screening for 3point shooters is a very tough thing for zones to defend. The matchup zone part i 4 snapshot heres a quick overview of gene sullivans matchup zone. Basketball defense matchup zone defense, coachs clipboard. Each man has area responsibility and man responsibility.

There are several versions of the matchup defense, but most of them have the same basic rules and strategies. The premise of a matchup zone defense is to manipulate the opponent into executing its zone offense versus for all intents and purposes a mantoman defense. This especially causes match up problems for the defense because they always put the biggest clumsier players in the middle of the zone defense. Jan 18, 2012 most recently, in the last 23 years, pitino has developed a matchup zone defense in the halfcourt that many of you are familiar with. In the 23 zone, pressure with the two guards typically creates a large vulnerability in the high post area. We are going to run the offense that we want to run and act rather than react. When attacking a 32 or 122 zone, there are several important keys to being successful. In this defense, the players set up in the shape of a x, with two players up top, one in the middle, and two on. The key is making sure to limit long closeouts so rotate the zone to make the best of the situation. Sep 28, 2015 fennelly demonstrates four key areas of the zone. The initial set will help determine what sort of defense we are facing. This is can be a very effective zone defense, because it still covers the 3point arc as well as the inside game.

Dec 26, 2014 these notes on matchup zone defense are from scott petermans ultimate matchup zone ebook. Each player must use mantoman defense, area defense, and help defense. Matchup defense and special drills video is better. The true matchup zone is unique in that it utilizes a series of defensive rules. They are best described as either mantoman with zone principles or zones with mantoman principles. Beating the zone 75 set plays to score against zone defense in this ebook, you will find 75 zone plays that you can use against any zone defense. Suffocating match up zone defense for basketball longtime division 1 assistant coach silvey dominguez has finally shared his insights and knowledge on the matchu. If you dont play zone in games, then hopefully you can use them as you practice your zone attack against your second team in practice. Because the point zone is a type of matchup zone defense, teams have a difficult time running a particular type of zone offense.

This defense can be easily disguised as man to man. This attempted to get the open lanes for penetration, passing or shooting. Freses video did not explain anything new that i did not know. The action looks the same and can take advantage of the over reactive defense. Matchup zone offense learn the cutters offense that works. The action looks the same and can take advantage of the overreactive defense. Its a common coaching saying that defense is the best offense, but scott drews baylor bears and their 1 zone take that concept to a whole new level. Why jim boeheims 23 zone defense is so effective 0 of 5 whether playing pickup basketball or watching a big game on tv, most hoop fans can identify a 23 zone defense when. The matchup zone part i 3 and yet have protection against the fake and drive. Even though, you can win more games, avoid playing any type of zone defense, because it can teach bad habits and hinder the longterm development.

The 32 matchup zone has a similar look to the 23 zone but has a distinctive differrence in its goal. The top two players will pinch towards the middle to stop dribble penetration. The matchup zone defense combines both persontoperson and zone principles. We can also use this against the 1 zone defense, or any 1guard zone. Part i presents the sullivans general theory of defense and his strategy for matching and contesting various offensive alignments and maneuvers. I hope they give you some ideas to apply to your zone defense. The d starts off in a 23 zone, but has certain triggers. The 32 zone defense is a disruptive halfcourt zone that forces the opposition out of their regular offensive structure and set plays. Its also great alternative to the 23 zone for situations that require pressure on the other teams ballhandlers. The defense will take the shape of the offensive set. Players 2 and 3 cross opposite wings to distract the top.

Matchup zones can cause problems for offenses finding ways to score. Watching them play defense has you unsure which team is meant to be attacking. X1 is the boss, match up off him the other four defender start with one foot in the paint, inside hand up. Nearly every position featured at least one screen of the top twoman on the zone. This is a combination type defense in basketball where a team combines aspects of mantoman defense and zone defense the matchup zone defense is disguised as to try to confuse the offense. They include, but are not limited to the following. We call it zone 2 because we use a twoguard front vs the 1guard defensive front. Perhaps, the innovator of matching up out of a zone defense. Clip from jim boeheims complete guide to the 23 matchup zone defense. Make the zone m2m make the matchup play m2m and run your normal offense. Third, guard the ball aggressively, contesting all. Winning with the 122 matchup zone defense on june 18, 2019. It has been a progress in work for the last three years and it was totally completed tonight. The combination starts out as a 1 zone with everyone waving their hands and sliding toward the ball.

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